

Fertiprado was founded in 1990 with the aim of sharing with the market the added value inherent in its philosophy: the use of biodiversity and legumes as the basis for a more competitive and sustainable agriculture. This philosophy originated from the research and technical knowledge of agronomist David Crespo. David Crespo has dedicated his life to studying production systems based on the use of biodiverse and legume-rich seed mixtures in various regions of the world, collaborating with highly reputable institutions such as the FAO, the World Bank and the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture.

The development of an agricultural and livestock project based on this philosophy at Herdade dos Esquerdos, owned by the Crespo family, made it possible to validate the concepts and adapt utilisation and management techniques, stimulating the creation of the company as an instrument for sharing and disseminating the techniques developed.


We promote a more competitive and sustainable agriculture through the use of biodiversity and legumes, investing in extensive research and technical knowledge, sharing and disseminating innovative and sustainable solutions.

These solutions are placed on the market in the form of biodiverse and legume-rich seeds and seed mixtures, adapted to the objectives of each farmer and the soil and climate conditions of each location.


At Fertiprado we promote sustainable and competitive agriculture, anchored in the strategic use of biodiversity and legumes. Recognising the essential value of biodiversity for the resilience of agricultural ecosystems and the role of legumes in nitrogen fixation, we create innovative solutions adapted to the individual needs of farmers.

Through a research-based approach, Fertiprado offers not only high-quality products, but also technical support close to farmers, aimed at reconciling their economic objectives with environmental preservation and the development of more productive and resilient agricultural systems.

In short, Fertiprado's philosophy reflects its commitment to scientific innovation, environmental sustainability and the economic success of farmers, from a perspective of modern, conscious agriculture.

Seed Inoculation

Fertiprado is a leader in the technology of pre-inoculating legume seeds with its specific Rhizobium, a symbiotic relationship that is crucial for these plants. Each legume, properly inoculated and pelletised, acts as a nitrogen "micro-factory", providing free fertilisation and increasing soil fertility; and in the case of animal feed products, pastures and forages with more protein and greater digestibility.

We work closely with research partners to select the strains of Rhizobium more effective. In addition, our R&D department is exploring other soil microorganisms to further improve our seed inoculation technology.


As forerunners in the use of Biodiversity Engineering techniques, at Fertiprado we have a vast knowledge of the characteristics of a wide plant genetic bank, which allows us to formulate biodiverse mixtures rich in legumes for numerous soil and climate conditions and for different utilisation objectives.

With more than 60 species and around 200 varieties with different characteristics, at Fertiprado we design biodiverse mixtures for:

  • pastures,
  • fodder,
  • ground cover in woody crops,
  • intercultures,
  • green fertilisers,
  • siderations,
  • soil biofumigation,
  • attracting pollinating and auxiliary insects,
  • recovery of soil structure,
  • solar panel park coatings,
  • various other applications

Structure and Organisation

Learn about our evolution

Fertiprado Portugal

- Research and Development
- Fodder Production
- Seed Production
- Commercial Activity
- Technical assistance

Fertiprado Spain

- Commercial Activity
- Technical assistance

Fertiprado Italy

- Commercial Activity
- Technical assistance

Fertiprado Uruguay

- Research and Development
- Seed Production
- Commercial Activity
- Technical assistance

Brand evolution